Terima kasih
Mpok maisun,
Maya ,
Miss plumblush sudah memberikan ladypon liebster awards. *cium klomoh satu-satu*
These are the rules:
1. You must post 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the person who nominated you set for you.
3. Come up with 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 new blogs & link them in your post
5. Please leave me a comment on this post with the link to your Liebster award so I can learn more about you!
langsung ke rules pertama ^^
- Suka memberikan sugesti ke diri sendiri kalau saya seksi dan cantik
- Saya single, dan suka bribik sana-sini *autotext malu*
- Bingung dengan struktur bahasa. Apapun itu, nilai saya terendah di rapor -____-
- Shoppaholic
- Suka gatel kalo 1 minggu nggak ke toko kosmetik
- tidak bisa keluar rumah tanpa pakai eyeliner putih
- Susah cinta mati sama lawan jenis
- Hujan adalah romantis menurut saya.
- Punya kaki kecil tapi badan yang besar
- Koleksi makeup saya lebih banyak dari mama
- jarang punya rambut warna hitam
nah rules kedua jawab pertanyaan...
pertanyaan dari Devi
1. If you're a student, what do you
want to be? If you're a college student, what's your department? If
you're working, what's your job?
I want to be a professional make up artist and a lawyer :P
2. How much is your monthly budget
for monthly beauty haul? (sorry for this question, you can skip it if
you refuse to answer it)
I don't have budget. Maximum 50% of my monthly income
3. How long is your sleep time?
in holiday 12 hours, in weekdays just 3-5 hours
4. What is your daily makeup?
for going to school just sunblock.
5. What is your daily skin care?
facial wash, day cream, serum, night cream
6. Can you tell me some advice for my blog? What is that?
I hope you more often post about product review
7. What color combination that you like?
Red, black and blue
8. Are you a gamer? If yes, what game do you play?
9. Do you have a doll?
yes i do
10. What is your wish(es) that still doesn't come true yet? (serious please)
For being a lawyer and makeup artist. A makeup studio, and true love.
11. Do you believe that God can do that for you?
Let's pray for it (~/\~)
yes I do, Allah never sleep.
Pertanyaan Mpok Maisun
1. sebutkan produk kosmetik yang murah tapi bagus menurut kalian?
Aku suka eyeshadow inez, lipstik fanbo, lipstik viva, eyeliner inez
2. yang mana lebih sulit bersabar atau bersyukur ?
3. lebih menyenangkan atau lebih bagus?
lebih bagus
4. saran untuk mpok maisun?
nggak ada :)
5. cat ayes atau smokey eyes?
smokey eyes
Pertanyaan Vani
1. 3 things describe you the most? Happy, Moody, Sexy
2. What are you after in this life? (Your goals, future plans, etc)
Studio makeup, Become a good lawyer, Be a good wife and mother
3. What have and you will done to achieve it?
I collect makeup, collect money, study hard for going to law faculty, looking for a good man.
4. Why do you love makeup?Because It's full of color
5. How makeup makes you feel about yourself?
I feel more sexy and more beautiful
6. What inspire you to wear makeup?
Earth color
7. What's your best makeup tips & trick?feel free to mix several colors of lipstick
8. What's your favourite brushes?Unbranded eyebrush from monita
9. What's your favourite face product(s)?Foundation from naturactor
10. What's your favourite eyes product(s)?Eyeshadow from ltpro
11. What's your Favourite lip product(s)?
wet n wild megalast lipstick
12. What kind of makeup look describe you the most?
natural with crease and nude lips
Pertanyaan dari Annisa
1. kapan kenal makeup?
dari jaman kecil udah kenal :P
2. kalo jalan jalan pake makeup ga?
3. must have makeup item di tas apa sih?
Nude pink lipstik, powder buat touch up
4. can you live without makeup?
Yes I can
5. Blush or bronzer?
6. favorite makeup brand?
Tergantung itemnya :)
7. Favorite candle?
lilin aromaterapi yang beli di mirota
8. pake camera apa?
9. Favorite nail polish?
The skin food
10. 3 Holy grail items?
Naturactor, max factor age elixir, inez teracotta
11. Makeup item yang paling fav. di 2012?
blush on inez modest blush, marcks, oplosan foundation :P
Pertanyaan dari Melia
1. What is your make up routine?
pelembab, sunblok, loose powder, eyeliner putih
2. Do you prefer orange or pink blush on?
Orange blush
3. Do you wear contact lenses?
not yet
4. What do you enjoy as a beauty blogger?
Soalnya bisa ketemu banyak temen yang minatnya sama. Lantas bisa ketemu juga sama reader yang baik hati *autotext inlove*
5. Which one do you love, natural make up or glamour make up?
Natural makeup
6. Would you do a plastic surgery?
Nggak mau
7. Who inspire your style?
8. What is your favorite color?
9. BB cream or foundie?
Both of them
10.Do you prefer gel liner or liquid liner? Why?
Liquid liner, warnanya lebih keluar
11.When do you start using make up?
Smp kayaknya
Pertanyaan dari Rhy
- Apa warna lippen and blush on favorit kalian? Lippen warna nude pink dan blush orange kemerahan
- Seberapa sering kalian maskeran and peeling? Seminggu sekali
- Kalian lebih pilih gyaru atau ulzzang? Gyaru
- Lebih pilih nail polish yang matte, gossy atau yang ber glitter? Glossy
- Berapa banyak air putih yang kalian minum per harinya? Nggak ngitung :P
- Kalo apply bb cream/foundie lebih sering dan lebih suka pake apa? Pake sponge blender atau pake stippling brush
- Powder or cream blush on? Powder
- Apa warna eyebrow pencil/brow mascara yang biasanya kalian pake? Cokelat
- Short or long nail? Long nail
- Lebih pilih kulit putih kaya orang japan, korea, kuning langsat, atau tan? Kuning langsat atau tan. Asalkan ga belang2
- Gimana cara kalian buat ngebentuk/ngrapiin alis kalian? Dirapihin pake pencukur alis
Pertanyaan dari Maya
- What is ur favorite international brand?why? Wet n wild. soalnya harganya murah dan kualitasnya limayan
- What is ur favorite local brand?why? Inez, berdasarkan prinsip ekonomi, uang yang dikeluarkan dan produk yang dihasilkan nggak seimbang. Banyakan kualitas produknya
- Are u a k-pop lovers? Is there anything that u dislike about them?Nggak sukaaa...
- In ur opinion, what's makeup? And why u wear it? Make up itu sesuatu yang bisa menonjolkan kelebihan dan menutupi kekurangan wajah kita. karena aku pengen nutupin kekurangan wajah aku.
- What's the most important , pretty on the inside or beautiful on the outside? *give me an honest answer* Beautiful on the outside
- Do u want to know how u look like in other people sight?why? Iya, dari situ kita bisa memperbaiki diri :)
- If u have one wish,what will u wish for?? About my college. Bismillah semoga keterima di jurusan yang bisa bikin sukses
- Do u believe that doomsday will come in December 2012? why? No, udah kelewatan dan semuanya baik2 saja
- Who is ur first inspiration to do a makeup? My makeup guru
- If u can live like an actor/es, who would u like to be? Mau jadi siapa yaaa? Gatau -_-
- What is the thing that u'll save if u r having a flood? *except makeup and money* Family and food
Pertanyaan dari Bellatrix Oktaviani
- How many stuffed animals do you own? I have no one
- If you could fly anywhere around the world, where would you want to fly to and why? I want to fly to Mekah, biar bisa umroh
- Pizza or spaghetti? pizza
- If you were trapped on a deserted island for 60 nights and 60 days, what 5 items would you take with you? food, a boy, shirts, Korek api, Tenda
- Favorite Disney character? Paman gober
- If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? Mau masukin uangnya ke deposito dan beli rumah super gede
- What is your favorite pice of clothing? outer
- Can you live without access to the internet? I can't
- Is there something most people like very much but you don’t? Kpop -______-
- If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? gatau -_-
- Which came first the chicken or the egg? Egg, and it's from dinosaurus
Pertanyaan dari Miss plumblush
1. Dari kapan suka makeup?
suka banget sih dari SMA kelas 1 yaa
2. Look favorite untuk daily seperti apa?
cenderung cuek malahan. Short pants, tshirt, outer, crocs.
3. Kalau ke pesta lebih suka dandan sendiri atau ke salon?
dandan sendiri dong
4. Lebih suka lipstick pink atau peach?
5. Brand makeup favorite kamu apa?
6. Apa yang bikin kamu akhirnya memutuskan untuk buat beauty blog?
Soalnya pengen meracunin orang banyak
7. Apa kamu pernah minum obat diet? kalo iya, merk apa? berhasil nggak?
pernah, fatloss, berhasil tp naiklagi gegara ga disiplin. sekarang lagi nyobain meizitang
8. Lipbalm favorite kamu merk nya apa?
tendercare oriflame
9. Lebih suka Hello Kitty atau Kero Kero pi?
keropi dooong
10. Kalo jadi sailor moon maunya jadi siapa?
mau jadi usagi tsukino, soalnya mirip aku
11. Jadi kenapa sih orang musti salto sambil bilang WOW?? Kenapa nggak kayang atau sikap lilin gitu?
pada kurang kerjaan kali -_-
Daaaaan pertanyaan dari saya adalah
1. apa definisi seksi dari kalian??
2.. Kalo cewek merokok, menurut kalian gimana?
3. Cowok yang baik itu kayak gimana sih?
4. Look harian kalian kayak gimana?
5. brand eyeliner favorit?
6. makeup termahal dan termurah di traincase kalian?
Saya mengajak